TidymodelsUpdated 4 days ago

Michael Mayer

Rendered from tidymodels.Rmd in shapviz 0.9.5.
Geographic ComponentsUpdated 7 days ago

Michael Mayer

Rendered from geographic.Rmd in shapviz 0.9.5.
Using 'shapviz'Updated 7 days ago

Michael Mayer

Rendered from basic_use.Rmd in shapviz 0.9.5.
Multiple 'shapviz' objectsUpdated 30 days ago

Michael Mayer

Rendered from multiple_output.Rmd in shapviz 0.9.5.
Understanding random forests with randomForestExplainerUpdated 6 months ago

Aleksandra Paluszyńska

Rendered from randomForestExplainer.Rmd in randomForestExplainer 0.11.0.
Global explanations with SurvSHAP(t)Updated 1 years ago

Mikołaj Spytek

Rendered from global-survshap.Rmd in survex
Package usageUpdated 1 years ago

Mikołaj Spytek

Rendered from survex-usage.Rmd in survex
Partial Dependence ExplanationsUpdated 1 years ago

Mikołaj Spytek

Rendered from pdp.Rmd in survex
How to use shapper for classificationUpdated 1 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska

Rendered from shapper_classification.Rmd in shapper 0.1.4.
Creating custom explainersUpdated 2 years ago

Mikołaj Spytek

Rendered from custom-explainers.Rmd in survex
Explanations in natural languageUpdated 3 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_iBreakDown_description.Rmd in iBreakDown 2.1.2.
Advanced TutorialUpdated 3 years ago

Jakub Wiśniewski

Rendered from Advanced_tutorial.Rmd in fairmodels 1.2.1.
Basic TutorialUpdated 3 years ago

Jakub Wiśniewski

Rendered from Basic_tutorial.Rmd in fairmodels 1.2.1.
Model performance auditUpdated 3 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska

Rendered from model_performance_audit.Rmd in auditor 1.3.5.
Model residuals auditUpdated 3 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska, Tomasz Mikołajczyk

Rendered from model_residuals_audit.Rmd in auditor 1.3.5.
Observation influence auditUpdated 3 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska

Rendered from observation_influence_audit.Rmd in auditor 1.3.5.
Model evaluation auditUpdated 3 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska

Rendered from model_evaluation_audit.Rmd in auditor 1.3.5.
Model fit auditUpdated 3 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska

Rendered from model_fit_audit.Rmd in auditor 1.3.5.
modelStudio in R Markdown HTMLUpdated 3 years ago

Hubert Baniecki

Rendered from ms-rmarkdown.Rmd in modelStudio
modelStudio - R & Python examplesUpdated 3 years ago

Hubert Baniecki

Rendered from ms-r-python-examples.Rmd in modelStudio
modelStudio - perks and featuresUpdated 3 years ago

Hubert Baniecki

Rendered from ms-perks-features.Rmd in modelStudio
How to use shapper for regressionUpdated 3 years ago

Alicja Gosiewska

Rendered from shapper_regression.Rmd in shapper 0.1.4.
Classification example - HR dataUpdated 4 years ago

Anna Gierlak

Rendered from example_hr.Rmd in rSAFE 0.1.4.
Regression example - apartments dataUpdated 4 years ago

Anna Gierlak

Rendered from example_apartments.Rmd in rSAFE 0.1.4.
Explanations in natural languageUpdated 4 years ago

Adam Izdebski

Rendered from vignette_describe.Rmd in ingredients 2.3.1.
General introduction: Survival on the RMS TitanicUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_titanic.Rmd in ingredients 2.3.1.
Using Arena with multiclass classifiersUpdated 4 years ago

Piotr Piątyszek

Rendered from classification.Rmd in arenar 0.2.0.
General introduction: iBreakDown plots for Sinking of the RMS TitanicUpdated 4 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_iBreakDown_titanic.Rmd in iBreakDown 2.1.2.
Example of global variable importanceUpdated 4 years ago

Anna Kozak

Rendered from vignette_apartments_global.Rmd in vivo 0.2.1.
Example of local variable importanceUpdated 4 years ago

Anna Kozak

Rendered from vignette_apartments_local.Rmd in vivo 0.2.1.
Introduction to the Arena with the TitanicUpdated 4 years ago

Piotr Piątyszek

Rendered from arena_intro_titanic.Rmd in arenar 0.2.0.
Live ArenaUpdated 4 years ago

Piotr Piątyszek

Rendered from arena_live.Rmd in arenar 0.2.0.
Static ArenaUpdated 4 years ago

Piotr Piątyszek

Rendered from arena_static.Rmd in arenar 0.2.0.
Simulated data, real problemUpdated 5 years ago

Przemyslaw Biecek

Rendered from vignette_simulated.Rmd in ingredients 2.3.1.
EIX: Explain Interactions in XGBoostUpdated 5 years ago

Ewelina Karbowiak

Rendered from EIX.Rmd in EIX 1.1.
EIX: Titanic dataUpdated 5 years ago

Ewelina Karbowiak

Rendered from titanic_data.Rmd in EIX 1.1.
Explaining classification models with localModel packageUpdated 5 years ago

Mateusz Staniak

Rendered from classification_example.Rmd in localModel 0.5.
Introduction to localModel packageUpdated 5 years ago

Mateusz Staniak

Rendered from regression_example.Rmd in localModel 0.5.
Methodology behind localModel packageUpdated 6 years ago

Mateusz Staniak

Rendered from localModel_methodology.Rmd in localModel 0.5.